Module:Excerpt slideshow
![]() | This module is subject to page protection. It is a highly visible module in use by a very large number of pages, or is substituted very frequently. Because vandalism or mistakes would affect many pages, and even trivial editing might cause substantial load on the servers, it is protected from editing. |
![]() | මෙම මොඩියුලය මතු දැක්වෙන මොඩියුල මත යැපෙයි: |
This module allows article excerpt (from Module:Excerpt) to be put into a slideshow (using Module:Random slideshow). It is intended to be used in portals.
The following templates use this module:
- {{Transclude excerpts as random slideshow}}
- {{Transclude linked excerpts as random slideshow}}
- {{Transclude list item excerpts as random slideshow}}
Tracking categories
[සංස්කරණය]The following categories track use where the "Selected general articles" list is built solely from templates:
- Category:Automated portals with article list built solely from one template (population: 0)
- Category:Automated portals with article list built solely from two templates (population: 0)
- Category:Automated portals with article list built solely from three templates (population: 0)
- Usages with more than three templates are not currently tracked
Pages where the "Selected general articles" list is built from a list embeded in the portal:
- Category:Automated portals with embedded list (population: 0)
Purge this page to update the totals.
Note that the Category:Automated portals with embedded list was enabled on 19 April 2019, and it will probably take a few days for all the portal pages to update
[සංස්කරණය]The following testcase pages are available for testing changes made to this module's sandbox:
- Template:Transclude excerpts as random slideshow/testcases
- Template:Transclude linked excerpts as random slideshow/testcases
- Template:Transclude list item excerpts as random slideshow/testcases
See also
local p = {}
local excerptModule = require('Module:Excerpt/portals')
local slideshowModule = require('Module:Random slideshow')
local randomModule = require('Module:Random')
local DEFAULT_LIMIT = 25 -- max number of excerpts to be shown in the slideshow
local SOURCE_PAGES_LIMIT = 10 -- max number of pages to check for links / list items
-- begin BHG addition for tracking source pages
local sourcepgagesused = {};
local sourcepgagesusedcounter = 0;
local articlelistcount = -1;
local usesEmbeddedList = false;
-- end BHG addition for tracking source pages
function cleanupArgs(argsTable)
local cleanArgs = {}
for key, val in pairs(argsTable) do
if type(val) == 'string' then
val = val:match('^%s*(.-)%s*$')
if val ~= '' then
cleanArgs[key] = val
cleanArgs[key] = val
return cleanArgs
function isDeclined(val)
if not val then return false end
local declinedWords = " decline declined exclude excluded false none not no n off omit omitted remove removed "
return string.find(declinedWords , ' '..val..' ', 1, true ) and true or false
@param {String} wikitext: Wikitext of just the list (i.e. each line is a list item)
@param {String} symbol: Special character used in the wikitext markup for the list, e.g. '*' or '#'
@param {String} outerTag: Text portion of the tag for each list or sublist, e.g. 'ul' or 'ol'
@param {String} innerTag: Text portion of the tag for each list item, e.g. 'li'
local wikitextToHtmlList = function(wikitext, symbol, outerTag, innerTag)
local listParts = {}
for level, item in mw.ustring.gmatch('\n'..wikitext..'\n', '\n(%'..symbol..'+)(.-)%f[\n]') do
table.insert(listParts, {level=level, item=item})
table.insert(listParts, {level='', item=''})
local htmlList = {}
for i, this in ipairs( listParts ) do
local isFirstItem = (i == 1)
local isLastItem = (i == #listParts)
local lastLevel = isFirstItem and '' or listParts[i-1]['level']
local tags
if #lastLevel == #this.level then
tags = '</'..innerTag..'><'..innerTag..'>'
elseif #this.level > #lastLevel then
tags = string.rep('<'..outerTag..'><'..innerTag..'>', #this.level - #lastLevel)
elseif isLastItem then
tags = string.rep('</'..innerTag..'></'..outerTag..'>', #lastLevel)
else -- ( #this.level < #lastLevel ) and not last item
tags = string.rep('</'..innerTag..'></'..outerTag..'>', #lastLevel - #this.level ) .. '</'..innerTag..'><'..innerTag..'>'
table.insert(htmlList, tags .. this.item)
return table.concat(htmlList)
@param {String} wikitext: Wikitext excertp containg zero or more lists
@param {String} symbol: Special character used in the wikitext markup for the list, e.g. '*' or '#'
@param {String} outerTag: Text portion of the tag for each list or sublist, e.g. 'ul' or 'ol'
@param {String} innerTag: Text portion of the tag for each list item, e.g. 'li'
local gsubWikitextLists = function(wikitext, symbol, outerTag, innerTag)
-- temporarily remove list linebreaks...
wikitext = mw.ustring.gsub(wikitext..'\n', '\n%'..symbol, '¿¿¿'..symbol)
-- we can grab the whole list (and just the list)...
return mw.ustring.gsub(
-- ...and then reinstate linebreaks...
listWikitext = mw.ustring.gsub(listWikitext, '¿¿¿%'..symbol, '\n'..symbol)
-- ...and finally do the conversion
return wikitextToHtmlList(listWikitext, symbol, outerTag, innerTag)
--[[ help gsub strip tables and templates that aren't part of the prose,
and remove linebreaks from within other templates,
and preprocess parser functions ]]
local processBraces = function(t)
local isTable = mw.ustring.sub(mw.text.trim(t), 2, 2) == '|'
if isTable then
return ''
-- else it's a template or parser function
local first = mw.ustring.sub(t, 1, 1)
local last = mw.ustring.sub(t, -1)
local isNotPartOfProse = first == '\n' and last == '\n'
if isNotPartOfProse then
return ''
local isParserFunction = mw.ustring.sub(mw.text.trim(t), 3, 3) == '#'
if isParserFunction then
local frame = mw.getCurrentFrame()
return frame:preprocess(t)
-- else remove internal linebreaks
return mw.ustring.gsub(t, '\n*', '')
local cleanUpExcerpt = function(excerpt)
-- strip galleries
excerpt = mw.ustring.gsub(excerpt, "<%s*[Gg]allery.->.-<%s*/%s*[Gg]allery%s*>", "")
-- strip tables and block templates; strip newlines
excerpt = mw.ustring.gsub(excerpt..'\n', '\n?%b{}\n?', processBraces)
-- replace wikitext bulleted lists with html bulleted lists
excerpt = gsubWikitextLists(excerpt, '*', 'ul', 'li')
-- replace wikitext numbered lists with html numbered lists
excerpt = gsubWikitextLists(excerpt, '#', 'ol', 'li')
excerpt = mw.text.trim(excerpt)
return excerpt
function makeGalleryArgs(titles, options, limit, nonRandom)
local galleryArgs = {}
local titlesSequence = {}
local i = 1
while titles[i] do
titlesSequence[i] = titles[i]
i = i + 1
local sortedTitles = nonRandom and titlesSequence or randomModule.main('array', {t=titlesSequence, limit=limit})
for _i, title in ipairs(sortedTitles) do
if (#galleryArgs / 2) < limit then
local success, excerpt = pcall(excerptModule.get, title, options)
if not success then
mw.log("require('Module:Excerpt').get failed: " .. excerpt) -- probably got a redlink
excerpt = nil
if excerpt and excerpt ~= '' and #excerpt > 10 then -- check again in case we had a few characters plus (Full article...)
excerpt = cleanUpExcerpt(excerpt)
if options.more then
excerpt = excerpt .. " ('''[[" .. title .. "|" .. options.more .. "]]''')"
local text = '<div style="text-align:left;">' .. mw.ustring.gsub(excerpt, '%c', '<br>') .. '</div>'
table.insert(galleryArgs, 'File:Blank.png')
table.insert(galleryArgs, text)
if nonRandom then
galleryArgs.random = 'false'
if #galleryArgs == 0 and options.nostubs then
-- try again, this time including stubs
options.nostubs = false
return makeGalleryArgs(titles, options, limit, nonRandom)
return galleryArgs
local makeOptions = function(args)
local options = args -- pick up miscellaneous options: more, errors, fileargs
options.paraflags = excerptModule.numberFlags(args.paragraphs or "") -- parse paragraphs, e.g. "1,3-5" → {"1","3-5"}
options.fileflags = excerptModule.numberFlags(args.files or "") -- parse file numbers
if args.nostubs and isDeclined(args.nostubs) then
options.nostubs = false
options.nostubs = true
return options
local isArticle = function(pagetitle)
local titleObject =
return ( titleObject and titleObject.namespace == 0 ) and true or false
local getLinkedTitles = function(args, method, limit)
local pagenames = {}
local ii = 1
local isNotCategory
while args[ii] and ii < limit do
local pageContent = excerptModule.getContent(args[ii])
if pageContent then
local pageSection = args["section"..ii] or args["section"]
local sectionOnly = args["sectiononly"..ii] or args["sectiononly"]
local text = pageContent
if pageSection then -- check relevant section only
local success, result = pcall(excerptModule.getSection, pageContent, pageSection, sectionOnly)
if not success then
mw.log("require('Module:Excerpt').getSection failed on the content of " .. args[ii] .. ": " .. result)
result = nil
text = result or pageContent
-- begin BHG addition for tracking source pages
local thisPage = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText .. ":" .. mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text
thisPage = thisPage:gsub('_', ' ') -- fix the nsText part, until [[phab:T369784]] is resolved
local thisBareParam = mw.ustring.gsub(args[ii], "^([^#]+).*$", "%1", 1) -- strip any section anchor from the parameter's page name
thisBareParam = thisBareParam:gsub('_', ' ') -- support underscores in parameter's page name
if (thisPage == thisBareParam) then
usesEmbeddedList = true;
-- end BHG addition for tracking source pages
-- replace annotated links with real links
text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, "{{%s*[Aa]nnotated[ _]link%s*|%s*(.-)%s*}}", "[[%1]]")
if method == "linked" then
for p in mw.ustring.gmatch(text, "%[%[%s*([^%]|\n]*)") do
if isArticle(p) then
table.insert(pagenames, p)
-- listitem: first wikilink on a line beginning *, :#, etc. except in "See also" or later section
text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, "\n== *See also.*", "")
for p in mw.ustring.gmatch(text, "\n:*[%*#][^\n]-%[%[%s*([^%]|\n]*)") do
if isArticle(p) then
table.insert(pagenames, p)
-- begin BHG addition for tracking source pages
if ((method == "listitem") or (method == "linked")) then
table.insert(sourcepgagesused, args[ii])
sourcepgagesusedcounter = sourcepgagesusedcounter + 1
-- end BHG addition for tracking source pages
ii = ii + 1
-- begin BHG addition for tracking
articlelistcount = #pagenames
-- end BHG addition for tracking
return pagenames
-- Template entry points:
-- randomExcerpt: Titles specified in template parameters (equivalent to {{Transclude random excerpt}})
p.randomExcerpt = function(frame)
local parent = frame.getParent(frame)
local output = p._excerpt(parent.args, 'random')
return frame:extensionTag{ name='templatestyles', args = { src='Module:Random slideshow/styles.css'} }
.. frame:preprocess(output)
-- linkedExcerpt: Titles from links on one or more pages (similar to {{Transclude linked excerpt}})
p.linkedExcerpt = function(frame)
local parent = frame.getParent(frame)
local output = p._excerpt(parent.args, 'linked')
return frame:extensionTag{ name='templatestyles', args = { src='Module:Random slideshow/styles.css'} }
.. frame:preprocess(output)
-- listItemExcerpt: Titles from linked list items one one or more pages (similar to {{Transclude list item excerpt}})
p.listItemExcerpt = function(frame)
local parent = frame.getParent(frame)
local output = p._excerpt(parent.args, 'listitem')
return frame:extensionTag{ name='templatestyles', args = { src='Module:Random slideshow/styles.css'} }
.. frame:preprocess(output)
-- Module entry point:
p._excerpt = function(_args, method)
local args = cleanupArgs(_args)
args.more = excerptModule.getMoreLinkText(_args.more)
local options = makeOptions(args)
local limit = args.limit and tonumber(args.limit) or DEFAULT_LIMIT
local titles
if method == 'linked' or method == 'listitem' then
titles = getLinkedTitles(args, method, SOURCE_PAGES_LIMIT)
titles = args
local galleryArgs = makeGalleryArgs(titles, options, limit, isDeclined(_args.random))
return slideshowModule._main(galleryArgs, false, 'excerptSlideshow-container') .. checksourcepages()
p._cleanUpExcerpt = cleanUpExcerpt
-- begin BHG addition for tracking source pages
function checksourcepages()
-- no tracking unless we are in Portal namespace
if (mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText ~= "Portal") then
return ""
local pagecounter = 0;
local templatecount = 0;
local outlinecount = 0;
local retval ="";
local usesEponymousArticle = false;
local debugging = false;
local thisPageBareName = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text;
if debugging then
retval = '<div style="display:block; border:10px solid green; background-color:#efe; padding:1em; margin:1em">\n----\n'
retval = retval .. "sourcepgagesusedcounter: " .. sourcepgagesusedcounter .. "\n----\n"
retval = retval .. "pages used:"
local apage
for apage in arrayvalues(sourcepgagesused) do
if debugging then
retval = retval .. "\n# [[:" .. apage .. "]]"
retval = retval .. " — " .. "First 999 = /" .. string.sub(apage, 1, 999) .. "/"
if (string.find(apage, "^[tT]emplate ?:") == 1) then
templatecount = templatecount + 1;
if (string.find(apage, "^[oO]utline +of ") == 1) then
outlinecount = outlinecount + 1;
if (apage == thisPageBareName) then
usesEponymousArticle = true;
pagecounter = pagecounter + 1
if debugging then
retval = retval .. "\nTotal pages: " .. pagecounter
retval = retval .. "\ntemplatecount: " .. templatecount
retval = retval .. "</div>"
-- first do a sanity check that both counting methods have produced the same result
if (sourcepgagesusedcounter == pagecounter) then
-- if all pages are templates, then populate tracking categories
if (pagecounter == templatecount) then
if (templatecount == 1) then
retval = retval .. "[[Category:Automated article-slideshow portals with article list built solely from one template]]"
elseif (templatecount == 2) then
retval = retval .. "[[Category:Automated article-slideshow portals with article list built solely from two templates]]"
elseif (templatecount == 3) then
retval = retval .. "[[Category:Automated article-slideshow portals with article list built solely from three templates]]"
elseif (templatecount > 3) then
retval = retval .. "[[Category:Automated article-slideshow portals with article list built solely from four or more templates]]"
elseif (templatecount > 0) then
retval = retval .. "[[Category:Automated article-slideshow portals with article list built using one or more templates, and other sources]]"
if (outlinecount >= 1) then
retval = retval .. "[[Category:Automated article-slideshow portals with article list built using one or more outline pages]]"
if (articlelistcount < 2) then
retval = retval .. "[[Category:Automated article-slideshow portals with less than 2 articles in article list]]"
elseif (articlelistcount <= 5) then
retval = retval .. "[[Category:Automated article-slideshow portals with 2–5 articles in article list]]"
elseif (articlelistcount <= 10) then
retval = retval .. "[[Category:Automated article-slideshow portals with 6–10 articles in article list]]"
elseif (articlelistcount <= 15) then
retval = retval .. "[[Category:Automated article-slideshow portals with 11–15 articles in article list]]"
elseif (articlelistcount <= 20) then
retval = retval .. "[[Category:Automated article-slideshow portals with 16–20 articles in article list]]"
elseif (articlelistcount <= 25) then
retval = retval .. "[[Category:Automated article-slideshow portals with 21–25 articles in article list]]"
elseif (articlelistcount <= 30) then
retval = retval .. "[[Category:Automated article-slideshow portals with 26–30 articles in article list]]"
elseif (articlelistcount <= 40) then
retval = retval .. "[[Category:Automated article-slideshow portals with 31–40 articles in article list]]"
elseif (articlelistcount <= 50) then
retval = retval .. "[[Category:Automated article-slideshow portals with 41–50 articles in article list]]"
elseif (articlelistcount <= 100) then
retval = retval .. "[[Category:Automated article-slideshow portals with 51–100 articles in article list]]"
elseif (articlelistcount <= 200) then
retval = retval .. "[[Category:Automated article-slideshow portals with 101–200 articles in article list]]"
elseif (articlelistcount <= 500) then
retval = retval .. "[[Category:Automated article-slideshow portals with 201–500 articles in article list]]"
elseif (articlelistcount <= 1000) then
retval = retval .. "[[Category:Automated article-slideshow portals with 501–1000 articles in article list]]"
elseif (articlelistcount > 1000) then
retval = retval .. "[[Category:Automated article-slideshow portals with over 1000 articles in article list]]"
if usesEmbeddedList then
retval = retval .. "[[Category:Automated article-slideshow portals with embedded list]]"
if usesEponymousArticle then
retval = retval .. "[[Category:Automated article-slideshow portals with article list built using eponymous article]]"
return retval
function arrayvalues(t)
local i = 0
return function() i = i + 1; return t[i] end
-- end BHG addition for tracking source pages
return p