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සැකිල්ල:Infobox star/testcases

විකිපීඩියා වෙතින්

This is the testcases page for {{Infobox star/sandbox}}, used to test changes to the individual features of {{Infobox star}}, prior to their potential integration into the live infobox code. Various detailed examples of the infobox's parameters and features are documented here to provide the information necessary to aid editors' understanding on why and how particular features are used, and how the code for their use works. The current version of the complete blank syntax for {{Infobox star/sandbox}} can be found in the "Syntax" section below.

{{Infobox star/sandbox
| name          = 
| image         = 
| alt           = 
| map image     = 
| map x         = 
| map y         = 
| map circle    = 
| caption       = 
| type          = 
| constellation = 
| stars         = 
| epoch         = 
| proper name   = 
| galaxy        = 
| ascension     = 
| declination   = 
| apparent      = 
| apparent band = 
| apparent alt  = 
| absolute      = 
| distance      = 
| motion ra     = 
| motion dec    = 
| velocity      = 

| age           = 
| mass          = 
| radius        = 
| rotation      = 
| temperature   = 
| stellar       = 
| variable      = 
| planets       = 

"map x", "map y", and Aldebaran

Diagram showing star positions and boundaries of the Taurus constellation and its surroundings, with the location of Aldebaran circled
Star in Taurus
  • 04පැය 35විනා 55.23907තත්
  • +16° 30′ 33.4885″
Apparent m (V)0.75–0.95
Absolute m (V)−0.641±0.034
Distance65.3±1.0 light-years
Proper motion
  • 63.45±0.84 mas/yr
  • −188.94±0.65 mas/yr
Radial velocity54.26±0.03 km/s
billion years
Mass1.16±0.07 solar masses
Radius44.13±0.84 solar radii
Rotation520 days
Temperature3900±50 kelvin
Stellar classK5+III
Variable classLb slow irregular

By default, {{Infobox star}} displays a map of a constellation, set by the constellation parameter, which swaps out the name of a constellation in the filename – {{{constellation|}}} constellation map.svg. The placement of the circle which locates a star on a given constellation map is controlled using the parameters map x and map y. These two parameters, along with constellation, are essentially the only parameters needed in order to make the map work, per this case for Aldebaran. This is achieved with two <div> phrases that appear in the image parameter of {{#invoke:InfoboxImage}}.


{{Infobox star/sandbox
| name          = Aldebaran
| map x         = 47.5
| map y         = 50
| constellation = Taurus
| ascension     = {{RA|04|35|55.23907}}
| declination   = {{DEC|+16|30|33.4885}}
| apparent      = 0.75–0.95
| absolute      = {{Val|−0.641|0.034}}
| distance      = {{Val|65.3|1.0}} [[light-year]]s
| motion ra     = {{Val|63.45|0.84}} [[Minute and second of arc#Symbols and abbreviations|mas]]/yr
| motion dec    = {{Val|−188.94|0.65}} mas/yr
| velocity      = {{Val|54.26|0.03}} km/s

| age           = {{Val|6.4|1.4|1.1}} billion years
| mass          = {{Val|1.16|0.07}} [[solar mass]]es
| radius        = {{Val|44.13|0.84}} [[solar radius|solar radii]]
| rotation      = 520 days
| temperature   = {{Val|3,900|50}} [[kelvin]]
| stellar       = [[Red giant|K5+III]]
| variable      = [[Slow irregular variable|Lb slow irregular]]

"image", "caption", and RS Puppis

RS Puppis
A star surrounded by a bright cloud of gas
True-color view of RS Puppis (center) and its surrounding nebula in 2013
Star in Puppis
  • 08පැය 13විනා 04.21601තත්
  • -34° 34′ 42.7023″
Apparent m (V)6.5–7.6
Absolute m (V)-5.70
Distance5580±260 light-years
Proper motion
  • -3.19 mas/yr
  • 2.33 mas/yr
Radial velocity24.60 km/s
Age28 million years
Mass9.2 solar masses
Radius164–208 solar radii
Rotation~41.5 days
Temperature4,640 – 5,850 kelvin
Stellar classG2Ib (F9–G7)
Variable classClassical Cepheid

While constellation maps may be useful in locating a star, sometimes stars can be recognisable in their own right, due to either their proximity to other celestial objects or their prominence in a particular region of the sky. RS Puppis is one such example where the star is surrounded by a large, bright nebula, thus making it a recognisable sight among astronomers and astronomy fanatics. In this case, the default parameters map x, map y, and map circle are removed completely, and replaced with image, alt, and caption to display "Heic1323a -1243686232.jpg" with a relevant caption and alt caption. This is achieved with two {{#if:}} parser functions – one replaces the two <div> phrases used to make the constellation map possible with a simple {{{image|}}} parameter if image is active, and the other checks to see if either the image or map image parameters are active before activating the caption parameter.


{{Infobox star/sandbox
| name          = RS Puppis
| image         = Heic1323a -1243686232.jpg
| alt           = A star surrounded by a bright cloud of gas
| caption       = True-color view of RS Puppis (center) and its surrounding nebula in 2013
| constellation = Puppis
| ascension     = {{RA|08|13|04.21601}}
| declination   = {{DEC|-34|34|42.7023}}
| apparent      = 6.5–7.6
| absolute      = -5.70
| distance      = {{Val|5,580|260}} [[light-year]]s
| motion ra     = -3.19 [[Minute and second of arc#Symbols and abbreviations|mas]]/yr
| motion dec    = 2.33 mas/yr
| velocity      = 24.60 km/s

| age           = 28 million years
| mass          = 9.2 [[solar mass]]es
| radius        = 164–208 [[solar radius|solar radii]]
| rotation      = ~41.5 days
| temperature   = 4,640 – 5,850 [[kelvin]]
| stellar       = [[Yellow supergiant star|G2Ib]] (F9–G7)
| variable      = [[Classical Cepheid variable|Classical Cepheid]]

"map image" and Kepler-90

Diagram showing star positions and boundaries of the Draco constellation and its surroundings, with the location of Kepler-90 circled
Star in Draco
  • 18පැය 57විනා 44.0384තත්
  • +49° 18′ 18.4958″
Apparent m (V)14.0
Absolute m (V)~4.3
Distance2840±40 light-years
Proper motion
  • −4.379±0.030 mas/yr
  • −3.214±0.028 mas/yr
Age~2 billion years
Mass1.2±0.1 solar masses
Radius1.2±0.1 solar radii
Stellar classG0V

In some cases it may be appropriate to use a different image for the infobox's map. Kepler-90 is a star that is part of the Kepler field of view, an area that is mostly situated in, and mostly associated with, the constellation of Cygnus. However, Kepler-90 is not only in the constellation of Draco, it's far away from any of the major features of Draco. Being closer to one of the 'wings' of Cygnus, it would be better illustrated in relation to Cygnus instead, thus the map image parameter is being used here to replace the default map of Draco, called by the constellation parameter, with "Cygnus constellation map.svg" instead. This is achieved with an {{#if:}} parser function that replaces the default {{{constellation|}}} constellation map.svg string with {{{map image|}}} when it finds the map image parameter active.


{{Infobox star/sandbox
| name          = Kepler-90
| map image     = Cygnus constellation map.svg
| map x         = 68
| map y         = 15
| constellation = Draco
| ascension     = {{RA|18|57|44.0384}}
| declination   = {{DEC|+49|18|18.4958}}
| apparent      = 14.0
| absolute      = ~4.3
| distance      = {{Val|2,840|40}} [[light-year]]s
| motion ra     = {{Val|−4.379|0.030}} [[Minute and second of arc#Symbols and abbreviations|mas]]/yr
| motion dec    = {{Val|−3.214|0.028}} mas/yr

| age           = ~2 billion years
| mass          = {{Val|1.2|0.1}} [[solar mass]]es
| radius        = {{Val|1.2|0.1}} [[solar radius|solar radii]]
| temperature   = {{Val|6080|260|170}} [[kelvin]]
| stellar       = [[G-type main-sequence star|G0V]]
| planets       = 8

"map circle" and Maia

Diagram showing star positions and boundaries of the Taurus constellation and its surroundings, with the location of Maia circled
Maia (circled) in the Pleiades
Star in Taurus
  • 03පැය 45විනා 49.6067තත්
  • 24° 22′ 03.895″
Apparent m (V)3.871
Absolute m (V)−1.69
Distance~400 light-years
Proper motion
  • 21.09 mas/yr
  • −45.03 mas/yr
Radial velocity7.5 km/s
Age75–150 million years
Mass>5 solar masses
Radius6.04 solar radii
Temperature12,600 kelvin
Stellar classB8III

In various situations where the image used in map image does not work well with the map circle's size, its width can be changed to make it better stand out against the image. With Maia (star), an image of the Pleiades cluster is used to locate the star, though the circle's default width of 12 pixels is not wide enough to properly encircle the star in the image. Thus, map circle is used to bump up the circle's width to 25 pixels instead. This is achieved by setting a default value on the parameter itself – {{{map circle|12}}}px – which is ignored the moment the parameter is used and a different value is placed in it.


{{Infobox star/sandbox
| name          = Maia
| map image     = Pleiades large.jpg
| map x         = 62
| map y         = 21
| map circle    = 25
| caption       = Maia (circled) in the Pleiades
| constellation = Taurus
| ascension     = {{RA|03|45|49.6067}}
| declination   = {{DEC|24|22|03.895}}
| apparent      = 3.871
| absolute      = −1.69
| distance      = ~400 [[light-year]]s
| motion ra     = 21.09 [[Minute and second of arc#Symbols and abbreviations|mas]]/yr
| motion dec    = −45.03 mas/yr
| velocity      = 7.5 km/s

| age           = 75–150 million years
| mass          = >5 [[solar mass]]es
| radius        = 6.04 [[solar radius|solar radii]]
| temperature   = 12,600 [[kelvin]]
| stellar       = [[Blue giant|B8III]]
| variable      = 

"apparent alt" and the Pistol Star

Pistol Star
Photograph of a bright, red star surrounded by a cloud of gas
Infrared image of the Pistol Star (center) and the surrounding Pistol Nebula
Star in Sagittarius
  • 17පැය 46විනා 15.3තත්
  • −28° 50′ 04″
Apparent m (V)>28
Apparent m (K)7.291
Distance~26,000 light-years
Radial velocity>130 km/s
Age4 million years
Mass27.5 solar masses
Radius306 solar radii
Temperature11,800 kelvin
Variable classLuminous blue

Natural phenomena can make certain stars more notable for their apparent brightness in different regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. For example, the Pistol Star is notable for being practically invisible to the human eye, but shining prominently in infrared light. In this case, the parameters apparent band and apparent alt are used to include information on the star's apparent magnitude in the K band. This is achieved with an {{#if:}} parser function that activates this second apparent magnitude cell only if apparent band is active.


{{Infobox star/sandbox
| name          = Pistol Star
| image         = Pistol star and nebula.jpg
| alt           = Photograph of a bright, red star surrounded by a cloud of gas
| caption       = Infrared image of the Pistol Star (center) and the surrounding Pistol Nebula
| constellation = Sagittarius
| ascension     = {{RA|17|46|15.3}}
| declination   = {{DEC|−28|50|04}}
| apparent      = >28
| apparent band = [[K band (infrared)|K]]
| apparent alt  = 7.291
| distance      = ~26,000 [[light-year]]s
| velocity      = >130 km/s

| age           = 4 million years
| mass          = 27.5 [[solar mass]]es
| radius        = 306 [[solar radii]]
| temperature   = 11,800 [[kelvin]]
| variable      = [[Luminous blue variable|Luminous blue]]

"type" and PSR B1257+12

PSR B1257+12
Diagram showing star positions and boundaries of the Virgo constellation and its surroundings, with the location of PSR B1257+12 circled
Compact star in Virgo
Proper nameLich
  • 13පැය 00විනා 01තත්
  • +12° 40′ 57″
Distance2300±100 light years
Proper motion
  • 46.44±0.08 mas/yr
  • −84.87±0.32 mas/yr
Age1-3 billion years
Mass1.100 solar masses
Radius1.2234±0.0053 solar radii
Rotation6.219 milliseconds
Temperature~28,856 kelvin
Stellar classPulsar

Through the use of a {{#switch:}} parser function on the infobox headerstyle's background-color, the colour of the headings can be changed if the input for the type paramater is exactly [[Compact star]] or [[Black hole]]. In the case of PSR B1257+12, which is a pulsar, the type parameter is set to [[Compact star]], displaying headings with a background colour of #D9F9FF.


{{Infobox star/sandbox
| name          = PSR B1257+12
| map x         = 46
| map y         = 16
| type          = [[Compact star]]
| constellation = Virgo
| proper name   = Lich
| ascension     = {{RA|13|00|01}}
| declination   = {{DEC|+12|40|57}}
| distance      = {{Val|2,300|100}} [[light year]]s
| motion ra     = {{Val|46.44|0.08}} [[Minute and second of arc#Symbols and abbreviations|mas]]/yr
| motion dec    = {{Val|−84.87|0.32}} mas/yr 

| age           = 1-3 billion years
| mass          = 1.100 [[Solar mass|solar masses]]
| radius        = {{Val|1.2234|0.0053}} [[Solar radius|solar radii]]
| rotation      = 6.219 milliseconds
| temperature   = ~28,856 [[kelvin]]
| stellar       = [[Pulsar]]
| planets       = 3

"type" and Sagittarius A*

Sagittarius A*
Blobs of blue-coloured light, with Sagittarius A* pointed out with a white arrow
X-ray image of Sagittarius A* and its surrounding environment
Black hole in Sagittarius
  • 17පැය 45විනා 40.0409තත්
  • −29° 0′ 28.118″
Distance~ 26,000 light-years
Proper motion
  • −2.70 mas/yr
  • −5.6 mas/yr
Mass4.31±0.38 million solar masses
Radius6.7 billion kilometres
Stellar classSupermassive

Likewise, in the case of Sagittarius A*, which is a supermassive black hole, the type parameter is set to [[Black hole]], displaying headings with a background colour of #E9E9E9.


{{Infobox star/sandbox
| name          = Sagittarius A*
| image         = Sagittarius A*.jpg
| alt           = Blobs of blue-coloured light, with Sagittarius A* pointed out with a white arrow
| caption       = X-ray image of Sagittarius A* and its surrounding environment
| type          = [[Black hole]]
| constellation = Sagittarius
| ascension     = {{RA|17|45|40.0409}}
| declination   = {{DEC|−29|0|28.118}}
| distance      = ~ 26,000 [[light-year]]s
| motion ra     = −2.70 [[Minute and second of arc#Symbols and abbreviations|mas]]/yr
| motion dec    = −5.6 mas/yr

| mass          = {{Val|4.31|0.38}} million [[solar mass]]es
| radius        = 6.7 billion kilometres
| stellar       = [[Supermassive black hole|Supermassive]]
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