From top left, clockwise: in 1492, Christopher Columbus reaches North America, opening the European colonization of the Americas; the American Revolution, one of the late 1700s Enlightenment-inspired Atlantic Revolutions; the Ottoman conquest of Constantinople; the Atomic Bomb from World War II; an alternate source of light, the light bulb; for the first time, a human being sets foot on the moon in 1969 during the Apollo 11 moon mission; airplanes enable widespread air travel; Napoleon Bonaparte, in the early 19th century, affects France and Europe with expansionism, modernization, and nationalism; Alexander Graham Bell's telephone; in 1348, the Black Death kills in just two years over 100 million people worldwide, and over half of Europe. (Background: An excerpt from the Gutenberg Bible, the first major book printed in the West using movable type, in the 1450s)
2 වන සහස්රවර්ෂය (ඉංග්රීසි: second millennium) යනු Anno Domini හෝ Common Era ක්රමය යටතේ වසර 1001 සිට වසර 2000 දක්වා දිවෙන කාලය වේ (11 වන සිට 20 වන දක්වා සියවස්; තාරකාවිද්යාවේ දී: JD 2086667.5 – 2451909.5[1]).