1940 දශකය

Below title bar: events after World War II: From left to right: The Declaration of the State of Israel in 1948; The Nuremberg trials are held after the war, in which the prominent members of the political, military, and economic leadership of the defeated Nazi Germany are prosecuted; After the war, the United States carries out the Marshall Plan, which aims at rebuilding Western Europe; ENIAC, the world's first general-purpose electronic computer.
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1940 දශකය (ඉංග්රීසි: 1940s, nineteen-forties, the '40s හෝ the Forties) යනු 1940 ජනවාරි 1 දින ආරම්භ වී 1949 දෙසැම්බර් 31 දින අවසන් වූ දශකය වෙයි.
අමතර අවධානයට
[සංස්කරණය]- 1940s in television
- 1940s in literature
- Greatest Generation (the remaining members of that generation came of age in the first half of the decade to serve in WW II).
කාල රේඛාව
[සංස්කරණය]The following articles contain brief timelines listing the most prominent events of the decade.
[සංස්කරණය]භාහිර සබැඳි
1940 දශකය හා සබැඳි මාධ්ය විකිමාධ්ය කොමන්ස් හි ඇත.
- Heroes of the 1940s - slideshow by Life magazine
- 1940s.org සංරක්ෂණය කළ පිටපත 2011-06-20 at the Wayback Machine