Hello, your extended confirmed access has been revoked; it is clear you were gaming the system in order to get access.
Some of your prior non-productive edits may have been deleted or your sandbox reset - this may help you keep track of your legitimate current edits. Per recent precedents these are the methods for you to restore extended-confirmed status:
- Avoid making any edits in topics restricted to extended confirmed users, and acquire 500 legitimate other edits; THEN:
- Appeal to me on my talk page. Alternately, you may
- Apply at WP:PERM/EC

![]() | මෙම සැකිල්ල අනිවාර්යයෙන් ම ආදේශනය කළ යුතුයි (භාවිතය උදාහරණයක් ලෙස, {{subst:Uw-ecgaming}} ආකාර වේ). |
There is one optional parameter in this template.
: If you are not the admin who revoked EC access, set|admin=username
. Otherwise, your own user talk will be displayed.