සැකිල්ල:Shared IP edu
Educational institution IP address
This IP address, IP address, is registered to an educational institution and may be shared by multiple users. If the institution uses proxy servers, this IP address may represent many users at many personal computers or devices. For this reason, a message intended for one user may be received by another, and a block intended for disruptive users may also affect innocent users. If you are editing from this address and are frustrated by irrelevant messages, you can avoid them by creating an account for yourself. Sometimes, in response to vandalism, you may be temporarily unable to create an account.
Review contributions carefully if blocking this IP or reverting its contributions. If a block is needed, administrators should consider a soft block using Template:Schoolblock. ![]() |
![]() | This template is used by the standard installation of Twinkle. If you are planning to make major changes to this template or nominate it for deletion, please notify Twinkle's user base and maintainers at Wikipedia talk:Twinkle as a courtesy. |
This template can be transcluded onto the user talk page of any IP address belonging to an educational institution such as a school or college. It provides a warning notice to editors and users from the IP, and categorizes pages to Shared IP addresses and Shared IP addresses from educational institutions.
[සංස්කරණය]{{Shared IP edu|name of institution|contact information|host=optional.hostname}}
The second parameter can be used to specify an e-mail address or role account to which abuse reports can be sent. Use this parameter only if the institution has specifically requested that it be added. See, as an example, University of Cambridge, User:Cambridge CERT and User talk:
To prevent excessive clutter on the user talk page, and to make future changes easier, this template should NOT be subst:ed. The parameter for hostname is optional.
See also
[සංස්කරණය]- {{SharedIP}} is a general version for use with non-educational establishments
- {{SharedIPAdvice}} is a version for any general dynamic ip addresses
- {{SharedIPPublic}} is a version for use with public terminals such as in libraries
- {{SharedIPCORP}} is a version for use with corporations
- {{anonblock}}, useful template for generating a block message
- {{schoolblock}}, useful template for generating a block message