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ප්‍රවර්ග සාකච්ඡාව:United Nations specialized agencies

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විකිපීඩියා වෙතින්
oldid date/time username edit summary
921279406 2019-10-14T22:20:19Z BrownHairedGirl replace links to deleted portals: [[Portal:International relations]] → [[Portal:Politics]]
914907972 2019-09-10T02:18:50Z BrownHairedGirl replace link to deleted [[Portal:United Nations]]/[[Portal:UN]] with [[Portal:International relations]]
852045622 2018-07-26T08:16:23Z Mr. Guye
619017865 2014-07-29T19:35:13Z Jdaloner Adjusted links at top of page and beginning of text to reflect merge of "Specialized agency" into "List of specialized agencies of the United Nations". (No need to list both anymore.)
546484172 2013-03-23T06:34:21Z Addbot [[User:Addbot|Bot:]] Migrating 33 interwiki links, now provided by [[Wikipedia:Wikidata|Wikidata]] on [[d:q7213493]]
512156466 2012-09-13T10:47:21Z Tahir mq
473143308 2012-01-25T11:56:14Z Luckas-bot r2.7.1) (Robot: Adding [[eu:Kategoria:Nazio Batuen agentzia espezializatuak]]
471687034 2012-01-16T15:04:12Z Luckas-bot r2.7.1) (Robot: Adding [[hy:Կատեգորիա:ՄԱԿ-ի մասնագիտացված հաստատություններ]]
457951637 2011-10-29T10:22:47Z FoxBot r2.7.2) (Robot: Adding [[be:Катэгорыя:Спецыялізаваныя ўстановы ААН]]
455801394 2011-10-16T05:33:00Z Amirobot r2.7.1) (robot Adding: [[fa:رده:سازمان‌های تخصصی سازمان ملل متحد]]
451559722 2011-09-20T20:17:33Z MastiBot r2.7.1) (Robot: Removing [[it:Categoria:Agenzie specializzate delle Nazioni Unite]]
443826089 2011-08-09T07:05:40Z Good Olfactory 15 only
443822927 2011-08-09T06:36:13Z Good Olfactory separate para.
441925497 2011-07-28T19:54:22Z Luckas-bot r2.7.1) (robot Adding: [[nn:Kategori:SN-organisasjonar]]
430687902 2011-05-24T15:33:25Z WikitanvirBot r2.7.1) (robot Adding: [[bg:Категория:Специализирани агенции на ООН]]
430092352 2011-05-20T20:19:43Z FoxBot robot Adding: [[nl:Categorie:Gespecialiseerde organisatie van de Verenigde Naties]]
420410219 2011-03-24T00:06:51Z ArthurBot r2.6.3) (robot Removing: [[oc:Categoria:Organizacion de las Nacions unidas per l'educacion, la sciéncia e la cultura]]
414938152 2011-02-20T11:54:32Z Faigl.ladislav cs iw
410759779 2011-01-29T14:19:51Z EmausBot r2.6.4) (robot Adding: [[es:Categoría:Organismos especializados de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas]]
400047880 2010-12-02T02:35:09Z SporkBot Replace template per [[Wikipedia:Templates for discussion/Log/2010 November 21|TFD outcome]]; no change in content
385493363 2010-09-18T06:45:50Z Eastlaw catmore instead of "main" using [[Project:AWB|AWB]]
382132212 2010-08-31T19:58:55Z KocjoBot~enwiki robot Removing: [[es:Categoría:Organismos especializados de la ONU]]
365419681 2010-06-01T12:37:39Z Rich Farmbrough General clean of pages with portal flags using [[Project:AWB|AWB]]
358036154 2010-04-24T16:23:46Z TXiKiBoT robot Adding: [[uk:Категорія:Спеціалізовані заклади ООН]]
350099050 2010-03-15T23:14:42Z ArthurBot robot Modifying: [[an:Categoría:Organismos especializatos d'a ONU]]
339242290 2010-01-21T23:17:48Z TXiKiBoT robot Adding: [[fi:Luokka:Yhdistyneiden kansakuntien erityisjärjestöt]]
335664424 2010-01-03T18:13:11Z TXiKiBoT robot Adding: [[tt:Төркем:БМО оешмалары]]
302964041 2009-07-19T15:51:27Z דוד55
299130064 2009-06-28T15:16:33Z
298664788 2009-06-26T01:23:28Z Good Olfactory sortings
298651313 2009-06-25T23:45:30Z Good Olfactory further define
298508981 2009-06-25T06:12:23Z Good Olfactory only 17
298507685 2009-06-25T05:59:59Z Good Olfactory define
298504737 2009-06-25T05:28:17Z Good Olfactory agency
298504703 2009-06-25T05:27:50Z Good Olfactory fix catmore
298504667 2009-06-25T05:27:26Z Good Olfactory catmore
298504618 2009-06-25T05:26:49Z Good Olfactory define
298504557 2009-06-25T05:26:08Z Good Olfactory Quick-adding category [[:Category:Organizations established by the United Nations|Organizations established by the United Nations]] (using [[WP:HOTCAT|HotCat]])
298499941 2009-06-25T04:45:06Z Good Olfactory specialized agencies are part of the UNESC
288139863 2009-05-05T21:45:51Z AttoRenato
263797610 2009-01-13T13:13:51Z VolkovBot robot Adding: [[sl:Kategorija:Specializirane agencije Združenih narodov]]
247179983 2008-10-23T14:54:47Z Numbo3-bot robot Adding: [[simple:Category:United Nations specialized agencies]]
237037379 2008-09-08T10:13:34Z VolkovBot robot Adding: [[be-x-old:Катэгорыя:Спэцыялізаваныя ўстановы ААН]]
209083782 2008-04-29T21:02:38Z BotMultichill Adding [[Template:Commons_cat|commons cat]] link to [[Commons:Category:United Nations specialized agencies]]
203769748 2008-04-06T15:52:42Z VolkovBot robot Modifying: [[ru:Категория:Специализированные учреждения ООН]]
203521526 2008-04-05T14:15:39Z Goshr ru
202395558 2008-03-31T21:50:39Z AkhtaBot robot Adding: [[ar:تصنيف:هيئات الأمم المتحدة]]
201896881 2008-03-29T21:33:45Z BOTarate robot Adding: [[an:Categoría:Organismos espezializatos d'a ONU]]
199457859 2008-03-19T22:52:27Z Mahlum~enwiki iw no
167529854 2007-10-28T00:13:00Z Borgx +id
164032150 2007-10-12T12:27:09Z Chobot robot Adding: [[ko:분류:국제 연합 전문 기구]]
144735859 2007-07-15T04:41:52Z [[zh:Category:联合国专门机构]]
140733651 2007-06-26T13:04:38Z SashatoBot robot Adding: [[fr:Catégorie:Institution spécialisée des Nations unies]], [[oc:Categoria:Organizacion de las Nacions unidas per l'educacion, la sciéncia e la cultura]]
127903400 2007-05-03T08:02:30Z DHN-bot~enwiki robot Adding: [[es:Categoría:Organismos especializados de la ONU]]
105631066 2007-02-04T19:59:45Z interwiki PL
94159640 2006-12-13T23:11:45Z Escarbot robot Adding: [[pt:Categoria:Organismos Especiais da ONU]]
78665260 2006-09-30T10:36:12Z Gilliam + german
78458682 2006-09-29T07:09:38Z Tim! intro
78178311 2006-09-27T21:19:58Z Zenfiric interwiki
69653453 2006-08-14T20:23:06Z -1g link to japanese
33415399 2005-12-31T21:33:23Z DHN-bot~enwiki robot Adding: vi
16521061 2005-05-03T22:26:22Z Wernher cat ASCIIsort fix
13194013 2005-04-03T21:04:09Z Bact
11847067 2005-04-03T20:06:18Z Bact
11844909 2004-06-13T13:36:22Z Oberiko
4070185 2004-06-05T22:00:52Z Postdlf
3957975 2004-06-05T21:15:30Z Postdlf

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