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ප්‍රවර්ග සාකච්ඡාව:Science and technology in Canada

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විකිපීඩියා වෙතින්
oldid date/time username edit summary
1180067621 2023-10-14T08:45:43Z Robby avoiding redirect on Commons
951097864 2020-04-15T13:31:30Z Hugopako
923329320 2019-10-27T21:27:21Z Hmains removed [[Category:Science and technology in North America]]; added [[Category:Science and technology in North America by country]] using [[WP:HC|HotCat]]
768589278 2017-03-04T18:34:45Z Hmains Category add/change/fix; AWB general fixes using [[Project:AWB|AWB]]
617099446 2014-07-15T21:13:34Z
587665345 2013-12-25T20:57:09Z Hmains copyedit, refine cat, and AWB general fixes using [[Project:AWB|AWB]]
573490461 2013-09-18T12:29:20Z Southrook Category:Economy of Canada
547414980 2013-03-28T09:36:20Z EmausBot Bot: Migrating 1 langlinks, now provided by Wikidata on [[d:Q7282058]]
546521464 2013-03-23T11:51:45Z Addbot [[User:Addbot|Bot:]] Migrating 25 interwiki links, now provided by [[Wikipedia:Wikidata|Wikidata]] on [[d:q7282058]]
526184671 2012-12-03T15:55:35Z Kasirbot r2.7.1) (Robot: Adding [[fa:رده:علم و فناوری در کانادا]]
481284423 2012-03-11T06:19:26Z Wars ro
477208773 2012-02-16T16:47:18Z VolkovBot r2.7.2) (Robot: Adding [[pl:Kategoria:Nauka w Kanadzie]]
431179232 2011-05-27T13:53:45Z Atlantia
421533730 2011-03-30T19:50:46Z Sverigekillen
418687820 2011-03-13T22:43:12Z Luckas-bot r2.7.1) (robot Adding: [[fi:Luokka:Kanadan tiede ja tekniikka]]
411456544 2011-02-01T22:01:37Z Leichtbau +de
401384834 2010-12-09T03:48:59Z Helmoony interwiki
395027076 2010-11-05T18:22:34Z TjBot robot Adding: [[id:Kategori:Ilmu dan teknologi di Kanada]]
388623740 2010-10-04T06:20:39Z SporkBot Merging catmore1/catmore2 per [[Wikipedia:Templates for discussion/Log/2010 September 10|TFD]], and renaming catmore/catmore2 per [[Template talk:cat main|discussion]]
371869283 2010-07-05T16:18:00Z RG72
367579075 2010-06-12T09:09:29Z Hugo999
350164848 2010-03-16T08:01:19Z VolkovBot robot Adding: [[ja:Category:カナダの科学技術]]
345077537 2010-02-19T19:59:15Z
343993254 2010-02-14T09:52:27Z Birczanin
319456127 2009-10-12T17:39:05Z ArthurBot robot Adding: [[fr:Catégorie:Science au Canada]]
310976736 2009-08-30T23:29:06Z TXiKiBoT robot Adding: [[bg:Категория:Наука в Канада]]
301952357 2009-07-13T23:35:45Z Beren interwiki cs
255604002 2008-12-03T09:39:27Z BotMultichill Adding [[Template:Commons_cat|commons cat]] link to [[Commons:Category:Science and technology in Canada]]
231370909 2008-08-12T03:06:47Z EugeneZelenko + it:
217238471 2008-06-05T04:57:44Z Chobot robot Adding: [[ko:분류:캐나다의 과학과 기술]]
177440430 2007-12-12T15:15:55Z TadejM corrected iw: sl
168175723 2007-10-30T22:10:30Z Saforrest interwiki
151803131 2007-08-17T11:32:39Z
116757183 2007-03-21T11:41:03Z Kelovy +sk
109829018 2007-02-21T15:41:15Z Toussaint
109827891 2007-02-21T15:35:53Z Toussaint
86216853 2006-11-07T05:36:57Z MCG
86216744 2006-11-07T05:35:59Z MCG
65243654 2006-07-22T18:19:44Z Melchoir [[pt:Categoria:Ciência do Canadá]]
65241984 2006-07-22T18:08:33Z Melchoir [[vi:Thể loại:Khoa học và công nghệ Canada]]
65238870 2006-07-22T17:47:10Z Melchoir [[sl:Kategorija:Znanost in tehnologija v Kanadi]]
44300937 2006-03-18T02:39:24Z Saforrest +ru
24465434 2005-10-01T07:44:24Z CalJW cat
23951350 2005-09-25T00:17:48Z Whobot Moving from Category:Science_by_nation to Category:Science_and_technology_by_country as per [[WP:CFD]]
19772111 2005-07-28T08:52:08Z Bearcat

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