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ප්‍රවර්ග සාකච්ඡාව:Peace organizations

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oldid date/time username edit summary
1081563280 2022-04-08T06:21:19Z JJMC89 bot III Moving [[:Category:Anti-war]] to [[:Category:Anti-war movement]] per [[Wikipedia:Categories for discussion/Speedy]]
971735385 2020-08-07T22:05:10Z Marcocapelle removed parent category of [[Category:Peace movements]]
894139893 2019-04-25T22:25:50Z Anomalous+0 rmv inapt & redund parent cat
894136277 2019-04-25T21:52:33Z Anomalous+0 added Category:Peace movements - reversing parent-child relat.
878856387 2019-01-17T11:05:25Z Anomalous+0 no need for TOC
878855776 2019-01-17T10:58:36Z Anomalous+0 added link to Category:Peace movements
873868705 2018-12-15T16:30:12Z Rathfelder removed [[Category:Pacifism]] using [[WP:HC|HotCat]]
755067066 2016-12-16T01:35:50Z Cydebot Robot - Moving category Globalization-related organizations to [[:Category:International organizations]] per [[WP:CFD|CFD]] at [[Wikipedia:Categories for discussion/Log/2016 November 12]].
721963565 2016-05-25T03:37:03Z Cydebot Robot - Moving category Social movement organization to [[:Category:Social movement organizations]] per [[WP:CFD|CFD]] at [[Wikipedia:Categories for discussion/Log/2016 April 14]].
717894109 2016-04-30T10:40:18Z Marcocapelle removed [[Category:Civic and political organizations]]; added [[Category:Social movement organization]] using [[WP:HC|HotCat]]
715121450 2016-04-13T20:53:39Z Bamyers99 Undid revision 714695800 by [[Special:Contributions/|]] ([[User talk:|talk]])
714695800 2016-04-11T08:50:34Z
698392135 2016-01-05T20:48:43Z Rathfelder removed [[Category:Organizations by subject]] using [[WP:HC|HotCat]]
689220384 2015-11-05T18:25:11Z Funandtrvl update
689219996 2015-11-05T18:21:57Z Funandtrvl Undid revision 566841626 by [[Special:Contributions/|]] ([[User talk:|talk]]) remove external link
566841626 2013-08-02T11:23:38Z
564647161 2013-07-17T12:40:50Z Meclee added [[Category:Globalization-related organizations]] using [[WP:HC|HotCat]]
562492037 2013-07-02T03:44:49Z Jarble
548186361 2013-04-01T18:29:39Z Addbot [[User:Addbot|Bot:]] Migrating 13 interwiki links, now provided by [[Wikipedia:Wikidata|Wikidata]] on [[d:q8959647]]
536585767 2013-02-04T21:34:16Z TjBot r2.7.2) (Robot: Adding [[tr:Kategori:Barış kuruluşları]]
487046537 2012-04-12T18:35:16Z Duży Bartek [[pl:Kategoria:Organizacje pokojowe]]
484683237 2012-03-30T11:45:37Z Fadesga
481299258 2012-03-11T09:28:23Z Tim! toc
478573836 2012-02-24T08:39:21Z ZéroBot r2.7.1) (Robot: Adding [[eu:Kategoria:Bakearen aldeko erakundeak]]
437701762 2011-07-04T12:51:27Z Andrew Dalby
437369238 2011-07-02T09:59:32Z Varnent removed vandalism
374527492 2010-07-20T17:40:53Z JhsBot robot Modifying: [[ro:Categorie:Militanți pentru Pace]]
344046795 2010-02-14T17:09:34Z Fences and windows Quick-adding category [[:Category:Pacifism|Pacifism]] (using [[WP:HOTCAT|HotCat]])
338527347 2010-01-18T09:39:15Z ArthurBot robot Adding: [[ca:Categoria:Organitzacions pacifistes]]
327847968 2009-11-25T11:42:53Z TXiKiBoT robot Adding: [[nn:Kategori:Fredsorganisasjonar]]
240374614 2008-09-23T05:28:23Z SilvonenBot robot Adding: [[ro:Categorie:Militanţi pentru Pace]]
215249498 2008-05-27T11:19:58Z SilvonenBot robot Adding: [[sl:Kategorija:Mirovna gibanja]]
208511266 2008-04-27T12:26:02Z BotMultichill Adding [[Template:Commons_cat|commons cat]] link to [[Commons:Category:Peace organizations]]
179872548 2007-12-24T00:51:11Z Cgingold
171398586 2007-11-14T09:19:16Z Cgingold removed inapt cats
170008538 2007-11-08T01:43:06Z Lquilter cat
151481814 2007-08-15T22:21:31Z Pegship sort
129332395 2007-05-08T20:07:52Z Ap4k~enwiki fi-link
125520868 2007-04-24T14:27:44Z Annemaryc Tolerance International UK
107912430 2007-02-13T21:27:18Z Malcolma cat
68714730 2006-08-09T23:32:16Z Intangible parent cats
57748213 2006-06-09T18:59:20Z Ayanoa interwiki
48629430 2006-04-15T23:07:45Z Blainster rv my category addition - organizations aren't movements
48629146 2006-04-15T23:04:58Z Blainster add category: social movemets
48628818 2006-04-15T23:01:53Z Blainster add umbrella article
47627508 2006-04-09T00:36:55Z JonHarder rv: not sure why most of the cats where blanked by exernal link.
47625049 2006-04-09T00:15:56Z
38830800 2006-02-08T22:48:23Z DKalkin alphabetize categories, make ''Anti-war'' a category rather than a see-also, [[Anti-war]] is a more general term, see linked page
37856910 2006-02-02T16:09:29Z Lapaz
34180732 2006-01-07T00:25:44Z Common Man how about putting [[:Category:Anti-war]] in see also? PLease see [[Category_talk:Anti-war]]
34163646 2006-01-06T22:03:06Z JonHarder Anti-war is a sibling subcat in Pacifism cat; cleaner to leave it out here.
31313244 2005-12-14T10:43:42Z Robotje + nl:
26492234 2005-10-26T01:39:24Z Common Man See also [[:Category:Nuclear weapon organizations]]
18068526 2005-07-03T13:41:31Z
17708483 2005-06-23T10:25:53Z Common Man -> [[Category:Anti-war]]
15680703 2005-06-23T10:22:21Z Common Man -> [[Category:Pacifism]]
15680555 2005-06-23T09:43:58Z Common Man -> [[Category:Civic and political organizations]] and [[Category:Peace]]

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