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ප්‍රවර්ග සාකච්ඡාව:International educational organizations

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විකිපීඩියා වෙතින්
oldid date/time username edit summary
1209786147 2024-02-23T15:48:59Z Fayenatic london added [[Category:Academic institutions by type]] using [[WP:HC|HotCat]]
921637649 2019-10-16T22:27:30Z Anomalous+0 sort
833708370 2018-04-02T01:23:34Z JarBot Bot:add Commons category
575490037 2013-10-02T20:43:50Z Good Olfactory new key for [[Category:International organizations by topic]]: "Educational" using [[WP:HC|HotCat]]
422630350 2011-04-06T03:03:08Z Neutrality [[WP:AES|←]]Created page with '[[Category:International organizations by topic]] [[Category:Educational organizations]]'

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