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ප්‍රවර්ග සාකච්ඡාව:Educational foundations in the United States

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විකිපීඩියා වෙතින්
oldid date/time username edit summary
979816355 2020-09-22T23:39:30Z Funandtrvl added [[Category:Education finance in the United States]] using [[WP:HC|HotCat]]
954373795 2020-05-02T02:43:11Z
927164007 2019-11-20T19:34:01Z Allforrous Commons template.
858935092 2018-09-10T16:26:18Z Rathfelder removed [[Category:Educational organizations based in the United States]]; added [[Category:Educational charities based in the United States]] using [[WP:HC|HotCat]]
858773311 2018-09-09T14:24:35Z Rathfelder +[[Category:Foundations based in the United States]]; +[[Category:Educational organizations based in the United States]] using [[WP:HC|HotCat]]
858773240 2018-09-09T14:23:56Z Rathfelder [[WP:AES|←]]Created page with '[[Category:Educational foundations|United S]]'

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