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ප්‍රවර්ග සාකච්ඡාව:Corporate law

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විකිපීඩියා වෙතින්
oldid date/time username edit summary
1155297780 2023-05-17T14:57:59Z Danielsltt
957092662 2020-05-16T23:51:18Z
862825271 2018-10-06T23:04:13Z ArmbrustBot /* top */Result of [[Wikipedia:Categories for discussion/Log/2018 August 30|CFD]] discussion was keep; removing CFD template(s).
857435773 2018-08-31T17:42:33Z Marcocapelle date correction
857435724 2018-08-31T17:42:11Z Marcocapelle CfD proposal
838810566 2018-04-29T12:33:41Z BNClawyer32
838810519 2018-04-29T12:33:09Z BNClawyer32
830442461 2018-03-14T21:13:02Z Shellwood Reverted to revision 797521616 by [[Special:Contributions/Salguod|Salguod]] ([[User talk:Salguod|talk]]): Not helpful. ([[WP:TW|TW]])
830442329 2018-03-14T21:11:59Z
830442249 2018-03-14T21:11:11Z
830442042 2018-03-14T21:09:36Z
797521616 2017-08-27T15:43:59Z Salguod Match category and article titles, remove statement that corporate law is part of commercial law (may be true historically but not how understood or taught in many jurisdictions.)
732962206 2016-08-04T12:35:01Z Ottawahitech removed [[Category:English law]] using [[WP:HC|HotCat]]
689550760 2015-11-07T22:41:39Z Dimadick
621018664 2014-08-13T06:10:00Z Od Mishehu rm CfD tag - category is now in its new name
621018635 2014-08-13T06:09:35Z Od Mishehu Od Mishehu moved page [[Category:Corporations law]] to [[Category:Corporate law]]: [[Wikipedia:Categories for discussion/Log/2014 July 18#Corporate law]]
621018571 2014-08-13T06:08:29Z Od Mishehu Od Mishehu moved page [[Category:Category:Corporate law]] to [[Category:Corporations law]] without leaving a redirect: revert
621018535 2014-08-13T06:07:53Z Od Mishehu Od Mishehu moved page [[Category:Corporations law]] to [[Category:Category:Corporate law]]: [[Wikipedia:Categories for discussion/Log/2014 July 18#Corporate law]]
617432393 2014-07-18T09:33:43Z Fayenatic london CFR: Propose rename as Corporate law
617285941 2014-07-17T08:09:14Z Fayenatic london Commons category is Corporate law, as this one probably should be
609447481 2014-05-20T23:01:50Z
547930171 2013-03-31T04:13:42Z EmausBot Bot: Migrating 20 langlinks, now provided by Wikidata on [[d:Q8967515]]
479702758 2012-03-01T19:56:53Z ZéroBot r2.7.1) (Robot: Adding [[ca:Categoria:Dret de societats]]
476769155 2012-02-14T03:16:10Z MGA73bot Robot: Adding {{Commons category|Law by issue}}
461437913 2011-11-19T15:30:31Z Luckas-bot r2.7.1) (Robot: Adding [[be:Катэгорыя:Карпаратыўнае права]]
451600106 2011-09-21T01:27:38Z EmausBot r2.6.4) (Robot: Adding [[ia:Categoria:Derecto de societates]]
449054009 2011-09-08T03:46:22Z Mais oui! added [[Category:Private law]] using [[WP:HC|HotCat]]
435472298 2011-06-21T15:13:18Z Luckas-bot r2.7.1) (robot Adding: [[lb:Kategorie:Gesellschaftsrecht]]
413756859 2011-02-13T21:20:14Z WikitanvirBot r2.7.1) (robot Adding: [[cs:Kategorie:Obchodní společnosti]]
388352240 2010-10-02T21:38:07Z SporkBot Merging catmore/catmain/catmore1/catmore2 per discussion and [[WP:TFD]]
382605035 2010-09-03T03:34:40Z EmausBot robot Adding: [[pt:Categoria:Direito societário]]
308625821 2009-08-18T05:29:10Z Added main article
295951663 2009-06-12T10:26:03Z SassoBot robot Adding: [[lt:Kategorija:Įmonių teisė]]
290719833 2009-05-18T14:31:58Z EugeneZelenko + ru:
275697769 2009-03-07T23:38:57Z Gregbard corporations
271097286 2009-02-16T11:26:36Z VolkovBot robot Adding: [[ko:분류:회사법]]
253334250 2008-11-22T04:43:37Z Goyaz ja
206728484 2008-04-19T17:58:20Z VolkovBot robot Adding: [[br:Rummad:Gwir ar c'hevredadoù]]
195976249 2008-03-05T05:13:35Z IvanLanin id:
191337721 2008-02-14T03:04:52Z Eliyak
146629760 2007-07-23T22:39:20Z Zhenqinli +zh +Category:Business law
144852931 2007-07-15T20:15:47Z -> [[Category:Business law]]
131476844 2007-05-17T05:32:02Z +he
107960817 2007-02-14T00:55:52Z Pygora123 More specific category
100858873 2007-01-15T12:29:16Z interwiki
96901878 2006-12-28T08:34:20Z .anacondabot robot Adding: [[fr:Catégorie:Droit des sociétés]]
81435787 2006-10-14T18:13:49Z +de,it,no
52895510 2006-05-12T20:53:13Z Cydebot Robot - moving categories per [[WP:CFD]] at [[Wikipedia:Categories for deletion/Log/2006 May 2]].
40874847 2006-02-23T16:17:29Z Kurieeto Cat move: Companies -> Corporations
35163191 2006-01-14T17:18:40Z Kurieeto Cat move: Corporation -> Companies
34381736 2006-01-08T17:16:27Z T g7
34327771 2006-01-08T04:41:48Z Yakoo interwikis
16987419 2005-06-26T16:24:19Z Maurreen del biz cat
15866268 2005-02-05T05:09:03Z Mydogategodshat
9959305 2005-01-28T22:26:59Z Mydogategodshat
9746332 2004-12-10T10:54:41Z Mydogategodshat
8295324 2004-12-04T09:32:39Z Postdlf

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