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ප්‍රවර්ග සාකච්ඡාව:Ancient history of Afghanistan

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විකිපීඩියා වෙතින්
oldid date/time username edit summary
785384318 2017-06-13T07:22:00Z Copydays
782327916 2017-05-26T05:52:21Z Marcocapelle cat main
584298152 2013-12-03T01:56:46Z Hugo999 added [[Category:Ancient Asia]] using [[WP:HC|HotCat]]
507292482 2012-08-13T23:56:39Z Cattus removed [[Category:History of Afghanistan]]; added [[Category:History of Afghanistan by period]] using [[WP:HC|HotCat]]
291672882 2009-05-22T19:19:36Z MatthewVanitas [[Category:Ancient history by country]]
291672332 2009-05-22T19:16:57Z MatthewVanitas [[WP:AES|←]]Created page with '[[Category:History of Afghanistan]]'

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