ද්වාරය:Harry Potter/Quotes
- හර්මියොන් ග්රේන්ජර්: "Ron, you're the most insensitive wart I have ever had the misfortune to meet."
- සෙඩ්රික් ඩිගොරි: "Take my body back will you? Back to my parents..."
- සීරියස් බ්ලැක්:"I would rather die than betray my friends."
- සෙවරස් ස්නේප්: "No-one cheeks me like that. Not even the Chosen one."
- සෙවරස් ස්නේප්: "Always."
- සෙවරස් ස්නේප්: "Turn to page three hundred and ninety four."
- සෙවරස් ස්නේප්: "Harry Potter...our new celebrity."
- සෙවරස් ස්නේප්: "Obviously."
- ඇල්බස් ඩම්බ්ලෙඩොර්:"It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities."
- ලුනා ලව්ගුඩ්: "A Wrackspurt - they're invisible, they float in through your ears and make your brain go fuzzy," she said. "I thought I felt one zooming around in here."
- හැරි පොටර්: "I don't know who Maxime thinks she's kidding. If Hagrid's half-giant, she definitely is. Big bones... the only thing that's got bigger bones than her is a dinosaur."
- නෙවිල් ලෝන්ග්බොටම්: "Oh no! I killed him."
- Draco මැල්ෆෝයි: "Longbottom, if brains were gold you'd be poorer than Weasley, and that's saying something."
- සෙවරස් ස්නේප්: "Oh, very good," interrupted Snape, his lip curling. "Yes, it is easy to see that nearly six years of magical education have not been wasted on you, Potter. 'Ghosts are transparent.'"
- මංකොල්ලකරුවන්ගේ සිතියම: "Mr. Moony presents his compliments to Professor Snape, and begs him to keep his abnormally large nose out of other people's business." "Mr. Prongs agrees with Mr. Moony, and would like to add that Professor Snape is an ugly git." "Mr. Padfoot would like to register his astonishment that an idiot like that Professor Snape ever became a professor."
- ලුෂියස් මැල්ෆෝයි: Now let's everybody just...calm down. Shall we?
- ජිනී වීස්ලි: "There's the silver lining I've been looking for," [When Harry admits dating possibilities on the run are pretty slim].
- හර්මියොන් ග්රේන්ජර්: "Now, if you two don't mind, I'm going to bed, before either of you come up with another clever idea to get us killed — or worse, expelled."
- රොන් වීස්ලි: "She needs to sort out her priorities."
- සීරියස් බ්ලැක්: "If you want to know what a man's like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals."
- ෆීනියස් නිගලස් බ්ලැක්: "...brave, yes, but not stupid."
- හර්මියොන් ග්රේන්ජර්: "It's kind of fun isn't it ... breaking the rules." Ron Weasley: "Who are you and what have you done with Hermione Granger?!"
- රුබියස් හැග්රිඩ්: "Yer a wizard, Harry."
- රොන් වීස්ලි: "Excuse me, are you the imprint of a departed soul?"
- රොන් වීස්ලි: "Oi, Peabrain!"
- රොන් වීස්ලි: "IF WE DIE FOR THEM, I'LL KILL YOU, HARRY!"
- රොන් වීස්ලි: "Oh, she was perfect, obviously. Perfect deliberation, divination, and desperation, or whatever the hell it is."
- මිනර්වා මැක්ගොනගල්: "We'll risk it, Sybill," said Professor McGonagall impatiently. "Do sit down, the turkey's getting stone cold."
- Professor Lupin: "Hermione!" said Lupin, startled. "What's the matter?" Hermione Granger: "P-P-Professor McGonagall!" Hermione gasped, pointing into the trunk. "Sh-she said I'd failed everything!"
- Albus Dumbledore : "As much money and life as you could want! The two things most human beings would choose above all. The trouble is, humans do have a knack of choosing precisely those things that are worst for them...."
- Harry Potter: "I don't go looking for trouble. Trouble usually finds me."
- වොල්ඩෙමෝර්ට් සාමි: "His mother left upon him the traces of her sacrifice.... This is old magic, I should have remembered it, I was foolish to overlook it...but no matter, I can touch him now."
- රෙමුස් ලුපින්: “That suggests that what you fear most of all is...fear. Very wise, Harry...”
- කෑගහන මර්ට්ල්: "Let's all throw books at Myrtle, because she can't feel it! Ten points if you can get it though her stomach! Fifty points if it goes through her head!"
- ඇල්බස් ඩම්බ්ලෙඩොර්: "Age is foolish and forgetful when it underestimates youth...."
- රුබියස් හැග්රිඩ්: "Ah, well, people can be stupid abou' their pets...."
- Moaning Myrtle: "Oh, Harry...well...I'd just been thinking...if you die down there, you're welcome to share my toilet...."
- සීරියස් බ්ලැක්: "He's at Hogwarts, He's at Hogwarts."
- Draco Malfoy: " Wait 'till my father hears about this! "
- හර්මියොන් ග්රේන්ජර්:"Just because you have the emotional range of a teaspoon..."
- ඇල්බස් ඩම්බ්ලෙඩොර්:"Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?"
- හැරි පොටර්:"I've had enough trouble for a lifetime."
- හැරි පොටර්:"For the first time in your life, you're talking sense."
- හැරි පොටර්:"OI! There's a war going on here!"
- Draco Malfoy: "I didn't know you could read."
- Lord Voldemort: "Harry Potter: The Boy Who Lived...come to die."
- හැරි පොටර්: "Yes." Severus Snape: "Yes SIR." Harry Potter: "There's no need to call me sir, Professor."
- මිනර්වා මැක්ගොනගල්: "I do not want the house of Godric gryffindor to behave like a Bambling Bumbling Band of Baboons."
- හර්මියොන් ග්රේන්ජර්: "Next time there's a ball, ask me before someone else does, and not as a last resort!"
- ලුනා ලව්ගුඩ්: "You're not going mad! I can see them too. You're just as sane as I am!"