වඳවී යාමේ උග්ර තර්ජනයට ලක්වූ මත්ස්ය විශේෂ ලැයිස්තුව
(List of critically endangered fishes වෙතින් යළි-යොමු කරන ලදි)
- Extinct in the wild (EW): 6 species
- Critically endangered (CR): 455 species
- Endangered (EN): 643 species
- Vulnerable (VU): 1,245 species
- Near threatened (NT, LR/cd): 548 species
- Least concern (LC): 9,131 species
- Data deficient (DD): 3,191 species
Fish species (IUCN, 2016-2)
- 15,219 extant species have been evaluated
- 12,028 of those are fully assessed[a]
- 9679 are not threatened at present[b]
- 2343 to 5534 are threatened[c]
- 71 to 158 are extinct or extinct in the wild:
- 65 extinct (EX) species[d]
- 6 extinct in the wild (EW)
- 87 possibly extinct [CR(PE)]
- 0 possibly extinct in the wild [CR(PEW)]
- ^ excludes data deficient evaluations.
- ^ NT, LR/cd, LC.
- ^ Threatened comprises CR, EN and VU. Upper estimate additionally includes DD.
- ^ Chart omits extinct (EX) species

2017 වන විට[update] ජූලි දත්ත අනුව, ලෝක සංරක්ෂණ සංගමය (IUCN) වඳවී යාමේ උග්ර තර්ජනයට ලක්වූ මාළු විශේෂ 1,000 ලැයිස්තු ගත කෙරෙයි. ඉන් 87 ක් වඳ වී ගොස් තිබීමට ඉඩ ඇත ලෙස සළකුණු කොට ඇත.[1][2]
ආශ්රිත පිටු
[සංස්කරණය]- රතු දත්ත පොත අනුව වඳවී යාමේ උග්ර තර්ජනයට ලක්වූ විශේෂ ලැයිස්තු
- List of least concern fishes
- List of near threatened fishes
- List of vulnerable fishes
- List of endangered fishes
- List of recently extinct fishes
- List of data deficient fishes
- Sustainable seafood advisory lists and certification
[සංස්කරණය]- ^ "IUCN Red List version 2016-2". The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). සම්ප්රවේශය 8 September 2016.
- ^ "Table 9: Possibly Extinct and Possibly Extinct in the Wild Species (IUCN Red List version 20162)". The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). සම්ප්රවේශය 8 September 2016.