This template converts a standard X11 color name into its corresponding color in #rrggbb notation. All standard colors defined in HTML and CSS1 are defined, as well as supplementary X11 color names as documented in the W3C's CSS3 specification. This is useful to allow compatibility with browsers that don't implement the complete list of CSS3 color names, or that define them in a non standard way.
- Syntax
- {{XColor|color}}
- The color parameter can be provided with any letter case for the recognized color names listed below.
- Unrecognized color names are returned unchanged (this allows specifying the color parameter numerically).
- {{subst:XColor|color|subst=subst:}}
- To replace the template invokation by the computed value when saving an article Wiki source.
- Examples
- {{XColor|black}} returns "#000000".
- {{XColor|#123456}} returns "#123456".
- Note that in the second example, this templates can be used as a work around for templates that return strings starting by "#" that the current MediaWiki software incorrectly parses as a list item despite it is not at the begining of the line where the template is used. The simplest way for templates to return strings starting by "#", without this character being interpreted as a list item, is to return those strings prefixed by "<nowiki></nowiki>" whose final interpretation will be empty.
- Complete list of the 147 color names defined in standard X11 and CSS3
- The list below is subdivided into 13 hue classes, each one sorted by decreasing lightness, and then by growing saturation and hue.
- The 8 standard pairs of synonyms are all recognized (gray or grey, cyan or aqua, fuchsia or magenta).
- Note that in CSS specs, there's no space between words, but the capitalization is optional. The names below are listed only with lowercase with their associated standard value, as defined in the CSS3 specification.
- The color names that are part of the basic HTML and CSS specifications are listed with bold style.
Grey Shades | ||||
white #FFFFFF hsl(0, 0, 1) |
whitesmoke #F5F5F5 hsl(0, 0, .961) |
gainsboro #DCDCDC hsl(0, 0, .863) |
lightgray lightgrey #D3D3D3 hsl(0, 0, .827) |
silver #C0C0C0 hsl(0, 0, .753) |
darkgray darkgrey #A9A9A9 hsl(0, 0, .663) |
gray grey #808080 hsl(0, 0, .502) |
dimgray dimgrey #696969 hsl(0, 0, .412) |
black #000000 hsl(0, 0, 0) |
Red Shades | ||||
snow #FFFAFA hsl(0, 1, .99) |
lightcoral #F08080 hsl(0, .789, .722) |
rosybrown #BC8F8F hsl(0, .251, .649) |
indianred #CD5C5C hsl(0, .531, .582) |
red #FF0000 hsl(0, 1, .5) |
firebrick #B22222 hsl(0, .679, .416) |
brown #A52A2A hsl(0, .594, .406) |
darkred #8B0000 hsl(0, 1, .273) |
maroon #800000 hsl(0, 1, .251) |
Between Red and Yellow | ||||
floralwhite #FFFAF0 hsl(40, 1, .971) |
seashell #FFF5EE hsl(24.7, 1, .967) |
oldlace #FDF5E6 hsl(39.1, .852, .947) |
linen #FAF0E6 hsl(30, .667, .941) |
mistyrose #FFE4E1 hsl(6, 1, .941) |
cornsilk #FFF8DC hsl(48, 1, .931) |
papayawhip #FFEFD5 hsl(37.1, 1, .918) |
antiquewhite #FAEBD7 hsl(34.3, .778, .912) |
blanchedalmond #FFEBCD hsl(36, 1, .902) |
lemonchiffon #FFFACD hsl(54, 1, .902) |
bisque #FFE4C4 hsl(32.5, 1, .884) |
peachpuff #FFDAB9 hsl(28.3, 1, .863) |
moccasin #FFE4B5 hsl(38.1, 1, .855) |
navajowhite #FFDEAD hsl(35.9, 1, .839) |
wheat #F5DEB3 hsl(39.1, .767, .831) |
palegoldenrod #EEE8AA hsl(54.7, .667, .8) |
khaki #F0E68C hsl(54, .769, .745) |
lightsalmon #FFA07A hsl(17.1, 1, .739) |
salmon #FA8072 hsl(6.2, .932, .714) |
burlywood #DEB887 hsl(33.8, .569, .7) |
darksalmon #E9967A hsl(15.1, .716, .696) |
tan #D2B48C hsl(34.3, .438, .686) |
sandybrown #F4A460 hsl(27.6, .871, .667) |
coral #FF7F50 hsl(16.1, 1, .657) |
tomato #FF6347 hsl(9.1, 1, .639) |
darkkhaki #BDB76B hsl(55.6, .383, .58) |
peru #CD853F hsl(29.6, .587, .525) |
orangered #FF4500 hsl(16.2, 1, .5) |
darkorange #FF8C00 hsl(32.9, 1, .5) |
orange #FFA500 hsl(38.8, 1, .5) |
gold #FFD700 hsl(50.6, 1, .5) |
goldenrod #DAA520 hsl(42.9, .744, .49) |
chocolate #D2691E hsl(25, .75, .471) |
sienna #A0522D hsl(19.3, .561, .402) |
darkgoldenrod #B8860B hsl(42.7, .887, .382) |
saddlebrown #8B4513 hsl(25, .759, .31) |
Yellow Shades | ||||
ivory #FFFFF0 hsl(60, 1, .971) |
lightyellow #FFFFE0 hsl(60, 1, .939) |
beige #F5F5DC hsl(60, .556, .912) |
lightgoldenrodyellow #FAFAD2 hsl(60, .8, .902) |
yellow #FFFF00 hsl(60, 1, .5) |
olive #808000 hsl(60, 1, .251) |
Between Yellow and Green | ||||
greenyellow #ADFF2F hsl(83.7, 1, .592) |
yellowgreen #9ACD32 hsl(79.7, .608, .5) |
chartreuse #7FFF00 hsl(90.1, 1, .5) |
lawngreen #7CFC00 hsl(90.5, 1, .494) |
olivedrab #6B8E23 hsl(79.6, .605, .347) |
darkolivegreen #556B2F hsl(82, .39, .302) |
Green Shades | ||||
honeydew #F0FFF0 hsl(120, 1, .971) |
palegreen #98FB98 hsl(120, .925, .79) |
lightgreen #90EE90 hsl(120, .734, .749) |
darkseagreen #8FBC8F hsl(120, .251, .649) |
limegreen #32CD32 hsl(120, .608, .5) |
lime #00FF00 hsl(120, 1, .5) |
forestgreen #228B22 hsl(120, .607, .339) |
green #008000 hsl(120, 1, .251) |
darkgreen #006400 hsl(120, 1, .196) |
Between Green and Cyan | ||||
mintcream #F5FFFA hsl(150, 1, .98) |
aquamarine #7FFFD4 hsl(159.8, 1, .749) |
mediumaquamarine #66CDAA hsl(159.6, .507, .602) |
turquoise #40E0D0 hsl(174, .721, .565) |
mediumturquoise #48D1CC hsl(177.8, .598, .551) |
springgreen #00FF7F hsl(149.9, 1, .5) |
mediumspringgreen #00FA9A hsl(157, 1, .49) |
mediumseagreen #3CB371 hsl(146.7, .498, .469) |
lightseagreen #20B2AA hsl(176.7, .695, .412) |
seagreen #2E8B57 hsl(146.5, .503, .363) |
Cyan Shades | ||||
azure #F0FFFF hsl(180, 1, .971) |
lightcyan #E0FFFF hsl(180, 1, .939) |
paleturquoise #AFEEEE hsl(180, .649, .81) |
aqua cyan #00FFFF hsl(180, 1, .5) |
darkcyan #008B8B hsl(180, 1, .273) |
teal #008080 hsl(180, 1, .251) |
darkslategray darkslategrey #2F4F4F hsl(180, .254, .247) |
Between Cyan and Blue | ||||
aliceblue #F0F8FF hsl(208, 1, .971) |
powderblue #B0E0E6 hsl(186.7, .519, .796) |
lightblue #ADD8E6 hsl(194.7, .533, .79) |
lightsteelblue #B0C4DE hsl(213.9, .411, .78) |
lightskyblue #87CEFA hsl(203, .92, .755) |
skyblue #87CEEB hsl(197.4, .714, .725) |
cornflowerblue #6495ED hsl(218.5, .792, .661) |
royalblue #4169E1 hsl(225, .727, .569) |
dodgerblue #1E90FF hsl(209.6, 1, .559) |
lightslategray lightslategray #778899 hsl(210, .143, .533) |
slategray slategrey #708090 hsl(210, .126, .502) |
cadetblue #5F9EA0 hsl(181.8, .255, .5) |
deepskyblue #00BFFF hsl(195.1, 1, .5) |
steelblue #4682B4 hsl(207.3, .44, .49) |
darkturquoise #00CED1 hsl(180.9, 1, .41) |
Blue Shades | ||||
ghostwhite #F8F8FF hsl(240, 1, .986) |
lavender #E6E6FA hsl(240, .667, .941) |
blue #0000FF hsl(240, 1, .5) |
mediumblue #0000CD hsl(240, 1, .402) |
darkblue #00008B hsl(240, 1, .273) |
midnightblue #191970 hsl(240, .635, .269) |
navy #000080 hsl(240, 1, .251) |
Between Blue and Magenta | ||||
mediumslateblue #7B68EE hsl(248.5, .798, .671) |
mediumpurple #9370D8 hsl(260.2, .571, .643) |
mediumorchid #BA55D3 hsl(288.1, .589, .58) |
slateblue #6A5ACD hsl(248.3, .535, .578) |
blueviolet #8A2BE2 hsl(271.1, .759, .527) |
darkorchid #9932CC hsl(280.1, .606, .498) |
darkviolet #9400D3 hsl(282.1, 1, .414) |
darkslateblue #483D8B hsl(248.5, .39, .392) |
indigo #4B0082 hsl(274.6, 1, .255) |
Magenta Shades | ||||
thistle #D8BFD8 hsl(300, .243, .798) |
plum #DDA0DD hsl(300, .473, .747) |
violet #EE82EE hsl(300, .761, .722) |
fuchsia magenta #FF00FF hsl(300, 1, .5) |
darkmagenta #8B008B hsl(300, 1, .273) |
purple #800080 hsl(300, 1, .251) |
Between Magenta and Red | ||||
lavenderblush #FFF0F5 hsl(340, 1, .971) |
pink #FFC0CB hsl(349.5, 1, .876) |
lightpink #FFB6C1 hsl(351, 1, .857) |
hotpink #FF69B4 hsl(330, 1, .706) |
orchid #DA70D6 hsl(302.3, .589, .647) |
palevioletred #D87093 hsl(339.8, .571, .643) |
deeppink #FF1493 hsl(327.6, 1, .539) |
crimson #DC143C hsl(348, .833, .471) |
mediumvioletred #C71585 hsl(322.2, .809, .431) |