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සැකිල්ල:Don't edit this line/doc

විකිපීඩියා වෙතින්

This template is transcluded from every taxonomy template page (i.e. every page whose name is of the form "Template:Taxonomy/taxon") when |machine code= is not specified. This should only happen when viewing a taxonomy template page. It uses function callTaxonomyKey in Module:Autotaxobox to prepare for and then use {{Taxonomy key}} to display the taxonomy template page in a more readable form.

As an example, see Template:Taxonomy/Felis – the display is created by {{Don't edit this line |rank=genus |link=Felis |parent=Felinae}} given that |machine code= is not given a value.

The template places a taxonomy template in one of the following tracking categories:

"https://si.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=සැකිල්ල:Don%27t_edit_this_line/doc&oldid=677701" වෙතින් සම්ප්‍රවේශනය කෙරිණි