| මෙම සැකිල්ල අනිවාර්යයෙන් ම ආදේශනය කළ යුතුයි (භාවිතය උදාහරණයක් ලෙස, {{subst:DATE}} ආකාර වේ). |
This template will create the date= parameter in the proper format needed by most maintenance and clean-up templates that auto-include maintenance categories with the tags.
Example use:
{{Currentdate}} | Time, day of week, and date in MDY format and time zone |
{{Date}} | Date in chosen format |
{{DATE}} | Month and year, prefixed by "date=" (for use with templates through substitution) |
{{Now}} | Same as {{Currentdate}} but in a sentence |
{{Plain now}} | Date in DMY format, and time |
{{Right now}} | Blue banner with time and current number of Wikipedia articles |
{{Right now (User message)}} | Orange banner with time and current number of Wikipedia articles |
{{TODAY}} | Date in DMY |