This page is automatically updated weekly by HostBot and transcluded into WP:Teahouse/Suggestions/Suggestions_preload. Please do not make any edits to the section "Article categories", add any new sections. Any edits to this top section should be kept between <noinclude> tags.
Note by Habst: As it hasn't been updated by the bot in five years, I used this shell command to generate the random templates (where teahousewps.wiki
is the wikitext from Wikipedia:Teahouse/WikiProjects):
IFS=$'\n' regex='Wikipedia:WikiProject[_ ](.*)\|'; echo -n '|WikiProject_{{random item|'; for ine in $(cat teahousewps.wiki); do if [[ $ine =~ $regex ]]; then echo ${BASH_REMATCH[1]}; fi; done | grep -v '/' | tr ' ' '_' | sort | uniq | tee wikiprojects.txt | paste -d ',' | tr '\n' '|'; echo "range=$(wc -l wikiprojects.txt)}}"
Article categories
[සංස්කරණය]WikiProject_Radio |
WikiProject_Nursing |
WikiProject_Telecommunications |
WikiProject_Meteorology |
WikiProject_African_diaspora |
WikiProject_Ecology |
WikiProject_Tennis |
WikiProject_Motorsport |
WikiProject_Fisheries_and_Fishing |
WikiProject_Trains |
WikiProject_Electronics |