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ප්‍රවර්ග සාකච්ඡාව:Charities based in California

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විකිපීඩියා වෙතින්
oldid date/time username edit summary
1191201913 2023-12-22T03:34:02Z Smasongarrison Copying from [[Category:Charities based in the United States by state]] to [[Category:Organizations based in California]] Diffusing per [[WP:DIFFUSE]] and/or [[WP:ALLINCLUDED]] using [[c:Help:Cat-a-lot|Cat-a-lot]]
969819450 2020-07-27T15:53:57Z Fayenatic london reinstate single conditional TOC template per sufficient consensus at [[Template_talk:CatAutoTOC]]
963467174 2020-06-19T23:36:49Z Justlettersandnumbers where's the consensus for these edits
961451496 2020-06-08T15:12:42Z
597368945 2014-02-27T13:33:11Z RekishiEJ
430429232 2011-05-22T23:49:48Z Alan Liefting removed [[Category:Charities based in the United States]]; added [[Category:Charities based in the United States by state]] using [[WP:HC|HotCat]]
426465595 2011-04-28T22:51:59Z BookEndsLA
406625763 2011-01-08T04:43:38Z Hugo999
308474459 2009-08-17T13:16:25Z Tassedethe Removed category [[:Category:Charities based in the South Carolina|Charities based in the South Carolina]]; Quick-adding category [[:Category:Charities based in the United States|Charities based in the United States]] (using [[WP:HOTCAT|HotCat]])
275277223 2009-03-05T23:23:51Z
172951071 2007-11-21T18:34:00Z Lquilter cats - not all cats are humanitarian, social aid
92714218 2006-12-07T15:55:11Z Postcard Cathy [[WP:AES|←]]Created page with '[[Category:Charities based in the United States]] [[Category:Humanitarian aid]] [[Category:Social welfare charities]]'

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