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ප්‍රවර්ග සාකච්ඡාව:1945 establishments in France

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විකිපීඩියා වෙතින්
oldid date/time username edit summary
1182057186 2023-10-26T21:35:49Z Robby link to Commons is now defined on wikidata
914150109 2019-09-05T13:59:08Z BrownHairedGirl [[Template:EstcatCountry]] now needs no year parameters, replaced: {{EstcatCountry|194|5|France}} → {{EstcatCountry|France}}}}
832452101 2018-03-26T02:53:04Z BrownHairedGirl remove superfluous {{Portal}}. It is now provided through [[Template:EstcatCountry]] using [[Project:AWB|AWB]]
763354200 2017-02-02T19:24:17Z Tim! /* top */add portals using [[Project:AWB|AWB]]
667145473 2015-06-16T04:10:53Z Ricky81682 adding Europe category using [[Project:AWB|AWB]]
588000879 2013-12-28T01:03:30Z BotMultichill Adding Commons category link to [[:Commons:Category:1945 establishments in France|category with the same name]]
546826891 2013-03-25T00:27:06Z Addbot [[User:Addbot|Bot:]] Migrating 1 interwiki links, now provided by [[Wikipedia:Wikidata|Wikidata]] on [[d:q8141373]]
496105632 2012-06-05T13:05:23Z MSBOT r2.7.3) (Robot: Adding [[fa:رده:بنیان‌گذاری‌های ۱۹۴۵ (میلادی) در فرانسه]]
465161811 2011-12-10T19:29:16Z Tim! new category

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