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ප්‍රවර්ග සාකච්ඡාව:Geography of ancient Egypt

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විකිපීඩියා වෙතින්
oldid date/time username edit summary
1227341734 2024-06-05T04:34:30Z Marcocapelle removed [[Category:Geography by former country]] using [[WP:HC|HotCat]]
1125310891 2022-12-03T10:05:10Z Dimadick
912176943 2019-08-23T19:02:18Z Pi bot Changing locally defined but nonexistent Commons category (Category:Geography of Ancient Egypt) to the one from Wikidata (Category:Geography of ancient Egypt)
865975455 2018-10-27T12:23:26Z Che829
865975346 2018-10-27T12:22:10Z Che829 +[[Category:Classical geography]]; ±[[Category:Geography of Egypt]]→[[Category:Geography by former country]] using [[WP:HC|HotCat]]
808329553 2017-11-02T06:12:24Z Dimadick
706869148 2016-02-25T19:21:56Z Marcocapelle removed classical category, per [[Classical Antiquity]]
544586342 2013-03-16T08:24:45Z Addbot [[User:Addbot|Bot:]] Migrating 14 interwiki links, now provided by [[Wikipedia:Wikidata|Wikidata]] on [[d:q6979048]]
469853834 2012-01-06T05:43:09Z Look2See1
469338833 2012-01-03T16:00:32Z Jalo
467783807 2011-12-26T17:56:28Z
466906365 2011-12-20T19:57:37Z WikitanvirBot r2.7.1) (Robot: Adding [[fa:رده:جغرافیای مصر باستان]]
457240347 2011-10-25T00:42:23Z Luckas-bot r2.7.1) (Robot: Adding [[ca:Categoria:Geografia de l'Antic Egipte]]
454776491 2011-10-09T22:09:46Z JMCC1 links
448935081 2011-09-07T13:32:19Z Luckas-bot r2.7.1) (Robot: Adding [[be:Катэгорыя:Геаграфія Старажытнага Егіпта]]
369204792 2010-06-20T17:28:45Z Rubinbot robot Adding: [[de:Kategorie:Geographie (Altes Ägypten)]]
352164083 2010-03-26T15:04:48Z VolkovBot robot Adding: [[bg:Категория:География на Древен Египет]]
321728900 2009-10-24T09:33:29Z Anakin101 [[WP:RBK|Reverted]] edits by [[Special:Contributions/|]] ([[User talk:|talk]]) to last version by KhanBot
321473545 2009-10-22T22:55:33Z
251947580 2008-11-15T11:59:28Z NjardarBot robot Adding: [[nn:Kategori:Geografi i Det gamle Egypt]]
251811355 2008-11-14T18:29:45Z VolkovBot robot Adding: [[oc:Categoria:Geografia de l'Egipte antica]] Modifying: [[es:Categoría:Geografía del Antiguo Egipto]]
213260425 2008-05-18T15:34:38Z Sardanaphalus updating link using [[Project:AutoWikiBrowser|AWB]]
202256609 2008-03-31T09:06:45Z AkhtaBot robot Adding: [[ar:تصنيف:جغرافيا مصر القديمة]]
166106538 2007-10-21T19:10:46Z Twthmoses [[WP:UNDO|Undid]] revision 166089658 by [[Special:Contributions/|]] ([[User talk:|talk]])
166089658 2007-10-21T17:50:14Z
124829565 2007-04-22T09:56:21Z FANSTARbot robot Adding: [[nl:Categorie:Geografie van het Oude Egypte]]
121525435 2007-04-09T21:45:16Z Wachowich added ancient egypt box
111436049 2007-02-27T22:40:18Z VolkovBot robot Adding: [[ru:Категория:География Древнего Египта]]
86917960 2006-11-10T10:58:06Z RobotG Robot: Moved from Category:Geography of Ancient Egypt. Authors: Espoo, Twthmoses, Bouette

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